This Roseville girls senior pictures are stunning! Athena's Senior Portrait day was one for the books! This country location by the river provided so many different locations and we had a blast walking around discovering new little spots. AND did mention that glorious light we were getting in the meadow and again at the end on the road. So awesome!

Athena is class of 2023 and attends Oakmont high School in Roseville, ca.

She wanted a location near a river for her senior pictures and this spot was absolutely perfect!! As far as senior portrait locations go this one provides so much in one place. You get the river, country road and fence, fields, dirt roads, a meadow and some large rocks with fall color behind them. Senior Picture perfection!

Thank you for choosing us to be your senior photographer!

Girl senior pictures in a field weaing a long green skirt and black top with ruffled sleeves
High School Senior pictures of a girl holding flowers in a field
girl senior pictures in a natural country setting, she is wearing jeans a cute ruffled top, boots and a hat
Girl senior pictures, she is wearing a white flowy dress and playing in the water.
girl senior pictures on a country road with wooden fence at sunset.