Northern California, Senior Pictures, Julie, San Jose State, MC Senior Photo

senior pictures. sanjosestate

Julie Glahn graduated from Columbia College in 2016 with an Associates of Science in Allied Health and an Associates of Arts in Liberal Studies. Julie transferred to San Jose State University (SJSU) and is now graduating with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology with a concentration in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and a minor in Health Professions. During her time at SJSU, Julie made many friends and enjoyed getting to meet such diverse people and professors. Julie’s favorite classes were her Astronomy course and a Human Rights and Justice course that had a concentration on the Indigenous Population in America. Julie’s least favorite part about college is that she has to leave; she is definitely the minority that loves school. Fortunately for Julie school is not over yet, she will be attending the Master’s of Science Health Care Administration Program at CSUEB this fall. With her Masters, Julie plans on working at a hospital as an administrator with the goal of becoming a chief administrative officer.

Class of 2019 

We are now booking summer and fall sessions! Contact us for all the details, we will get back to you ASAP....Promise!