senior pictures of girl sitting and laughing in downtown setting

Senior Pictures are what we specialize in! High School seniors are who we LOVE working with. We make sure to give our senior portrait clients a fun and relaxed experience. Here at MC we only take 25 Senior clients each year here in the San Joaquin County and greater Sacramento, California area. That means we get take the time to get to know our clients before their senior photos and that is how we get those natural authentic expressions! We are all about having fun and being silly to get you to laugh and have fun during your senior session.

When you choose MC to capture your senior pictures, here is that you can expect!

The free senior portrait session pre- consultation

This is where we will meet for the first time via zoom and get to know a little more about each other. We like to find out what school you go to, your interests, hobbies/sports and discuss a little bit about you and your parents vision for your senior pictures. We will also talk about the different senior portrait sessions we offer, the senior session addons we offer, possible locations and available dates and answer any questions you and your parents have.

The Session Consult

This is where we will dive in and plan out your senior session day! This can take place in person at local coffee shop or via zoom. We love being able to get to know our senior clients and the more time we spend with them the better! Here is what we will chat about:

* clothing and accessories (bring some for us to go through!)

* your home décor and where you might hang your portraits

* your desired feel for the session

*Hair and Makeup Options

*What not to wear and suggestions for what to wear

* what time of day will be best to accomplish the feel you want

* using all of the above, we'll plan the perfect location to pull it all together

* product Q&A for anything you may be interested in, such as canvases, albums, digital images, metal prints, graduation announcements, the ever so popular Senior Magazine, etc.

Session Day Prep!

This is where we will go over all the little details of how to be fully prepared for your big day! Session prep will be via zoom and here is where we will finalize everything for your session!

*Hair and Makeup

*Final Outfits including accessories and shoes and how to bring them to your senior session.


*Skin Care

*How important it is to hydrate and get a good nights sleep

*Emergency Kit

*Tanning Dos and Don’ts

Senior Session day!!

This starts with you getting your hair and makeup done. We will meet at the location we chose and since we will have everything already planned out, we will get right to shooting your senior pictures. Don’t worry about not knowing how to pose or where to put your hands, we got you covered! It is time to give us that smile, you know the one your mom and dad loves! Of course we will also be taking lots of behind the scenes for Instagram. Your senior session will last about 1-3 hours depending on your session. We will post a sneak peek a day or so after your session because I know you're dying to see them!

Your Session Premiere!

This is a really fun day! We will come to you, meet in the middle, or have a zoom call about 2 weeks after your session to see your beautiful senior images and we will help you through the entire ordering process. We love working with our clients as you choose your favorite images for albums, canvas wall galleries, image boxes, and more!

Here at MC Senior Photo we are a senior portrait on location photographer based in Northern California and do travel to many destinations. Our goal is to bring out every senior’s personality in their images and are dedicated to making sure that every senior photo session is different so that no two senior images are alike. We are now booking the Class of 2022.

Have any questions for us?? Ready to start creating your own custom senior portraits? Lets Chat!

girl senior pictures in flower field wearing college shirt